This is quite the list I will tell you now. You will laugh at some of these and some people
will be grossed out by others I am sure. The ideas that man has come up with to tell the
future and to obtain the unknowable information is nothing short of astounding. Hope that
some of this is helpful to you.
AURA INFORMATION - This is based on the concept of there is energy eminating from everything. These
energies are broken down into seven types (Etheric, Emotional, Mental, Astral, Etheric Template,
Celestial and Ketheric Template). Each one has its own shape, feel and color that can be deciphered
to determine information.
DOWSING - One of the oldest searching divination skills. Uses a dowsing rod to find water, minerals,
or anything else that they desire. Also can be done with pendulum. More in depth on Mystical page.
GRAPHOLOGY - scientifically this is the study of handwriting and much can be discovered about the
personality of an individual. On the divination side, it can be used to tell the future.
I CHING - The traditional way is to toss 50 yarrow sticks, but there is another common method that
involves tossing a coin three times. This started in ancient China around 2852 B.C.
OUIJA BOARD - This taps into the subconscious mind and uses the ideomoror effect to let the inner mind
answer questions. More on this on the Mystical page.
CLOUD SCRYING, the power of the clouds
LAMP SCRYING, the method of egyptian lamp scrying
OIL SCRYING, used by the babylonians
PENDULUM SCRYING, the methods of pendulum scrying
SHELL SCRYING - Putting a shell to you ear, you will hear the "ocean", which is blood rush through
your ear. For some that listen longer, they can pick of conversations and so can gain insight.
SMOKE SCRYING - This can be done by watching for images in the smoke of a fire. The extreme version
that some Native American have done, uses a sweat lodge. The combination of heat, humidity and carbon
dioxide levels take the person to a state of mind that vision may come.
WATER SCRYING as used by nostradamus
TASSEOMANCY - The art of reading tea leaves, associated with Gypsies and the English. This term can
include coffee readings as well, which supposedly started in Italy.
WIND, the wind has a voice that may talk to you
EGYPTIAN DREAM SCRYING, may be traced back thousands of years
ORNITHOMANCY, divinating bird patterns
ORACLE, a type of intermediary
MONITIONS, monitions of approach
LECANOMANCY, throwing stones into water
HAKATA, used by african witch doctors
DELPHI ORACLE, very influential oracle
COSCINOMANCY, divination practised with a sieve
CRITOMANCY, divination of cakes
CURSED BREAD, divination with bread
DACTYLOMANCY, divination with rings
DAPHNOMANCY, divination with laurel branches
DERMOGRAPHY, psyshic phenomenon of skin writing
DJEMSCHEED, a divination cup
EROMANCY, divination using air and water
CEROSCOPY, divination using wax on water
CELONTES, mystical stone
CARTOPEDY, feet divination
COMMUNIGRAPH, mechanical communication with spirits
CLEDONISM, divination by use of words
CLEIDOMANCY, divination by use of a suspended key
XYLOMANCY, slav divination
SIBYL, women who lived in caves and were renowned for their gift of prophecy
PHRENOLOGY, the divination of reading bumps on a skull
ARITHMANCY, divination by numbers
ANTHROPOMANCY, divination using human entrails
ALECTRYOMANCY, divination through birds
ALEUROMANCY, divination with flour
ALPHITOMANCY, divination using a leaf of barley
BIBLIOMANCY, divination using a book
MOLYBDOMANCY, divination by dropping metal into water
MYOMANCY, divination involving rats
EGGS, divination using eggs
ONYCHOMANCY, divination by fingernails
OMPHALOMANCY, divination by the navel
ONIMANCY, divination based on the observation of angel uriel
PSYCHIC TELEPHONE, the psychic telephone
BELLY TALKERS, mediums with a daemon in their belly
BOOK TEST, initiated by a deceased communicator
BILLET TEST, divination via an envelope
TREMBLING, divination through hand trembling
PRENESTINE LOTS, divination by lots
POPPY SEEDS, poppy seeds in divination
PLANCHETTE, instrument to communicate with spirits
PHYLLORHODOMANCY, divination with rose leaves
ESSOMANCY, divination with beans
MUSCLE READING, unconscious movements
HIPPOMANCY, celtic divination
HEPATOSCOPY, divination of entrails
GYROMANCY, divination by going round in circles
LYCHNOMANCY, divination by candle flame
AMNIOMANCY, divination by means of the caul
ARIOLISTS, ancient divinaters
BELOMANCY, divination by arrows
AXINOMANCY, divination by axe
LAMPADOMANCY, divination by a lamp